Mario GunawanTubes Walkthrough 1 : Read Data dari CSV tanpa libraryPertama tama, kalau kalian ada yg read limit, (udh 3x read), copy url page ini, buka incognito tab, paste disitu. nanti read limitnya…Apr 5, 20211Apr 5, 20211
Mario GunawanMy first 1.5 year learning web development, and what I’ve learntWhen starting web development I was wondering about what should I learn first, where should I learn those lessons and how to put it into…Jan 16, 2021Jan 16, 2021
Mario GunawanUnderstanding the basic of access & privileges in PostgreSQLsummary: grant -> grant user/role privileges to something, revoke -> remove the privileges from grant, role -> like user, but we can’t…Dec 1, 2020Dec 1, 2020